Prayer Requests

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:19-20

Click and Pray for the United States... Matt 18:20

YeHoVaH, forgive our sins, heal our land. As we turn back to you, we ask that you reestablish the righteous foundations of our country, and raise up a leader who fears you.

Prayer Requests

  • Need a financial miracle
  • My son is addicted to drugs (meth) and it has caused him to have mental issues. He is mean, aggressive, tears up everything (including house drywall and electronics), paranoid, believes I (and others) are trying to hurt him. As far as I know, he has been clean this last month but his paranoia is very bad. He will stand there yelling (and there's no one there). It is heartbreaking. Thank you
  • I am asking for prayer, my boss has displayed 2 books with/ nudity at work, this is absolutely inappropriate and degrading, your prayers are needed, thanks
  • Please pray that my son JP would be set free from the bondage of Satan. He has an illness called borderline personality disorder. One common symptom is a deep sense of emptiness. As a result people with this diagnosis are constantly trying to figure out who they are and can go through drastic changes. He is now an adult with two children. He just decided that he is a woman and is dressing and acting like one. I pray that he could see the value and purpose of the man that God made him to be Thank you
  • My Name us Mulugeta pray for me miracle 2.more customers for my business 4.breakthrough. Kindly Thank you
  • Please pray for my husband. Pray that Yah would give him wisdom to make the best decisions for our family, pray that he would be holy, and unselfish.
  • Beloved pastor and family. Thank you very much for your wonderful prayers. Always your prayers are my strongholds but many God  promises are heard but it is not fulfilling in  our family life.  Many obstacles occuring behind this. Every day i am praying for you. kindly  pray for my   mother she  is bedridden  she can't sit or walk. My son education and his health and  spiritual life.. My husband is angry  person but  but God can change his character, our son  staying with him. My daughter need  permanent resident  card and  a job.  Myself and husband unemployed so financial breakthrough is necessary. May  God bless you  all abundantly. Your family and  ministry. Your sister in Christ Lucy Mathew
  • Last night I find out that my husband has been watching his ex-girlfriend (who is aware that he has been viewing her videos on Facebook). She is rich/skinny- his body type as he is very critical of my outward appearances. & wants him back. We had a huge blowout last night I have been battling being abandoned, neglected and rejected for 7 years and it’s been a roller coaster ride. Please pray YAHOVAH work a miracle on his hard heart & resentment toward me. I am praying for my miracle.
  • Believe AND Receive ALL of The Following ... #1. That ALL OF MY Beloved Ones AND Myself ARE ALWAYS LIVING WITHIN GOD'S DIVINE PERFECT Bloodline's Circle AND Hedge of Protection, Safety, AND Security, FOR NOW AND EVERMORE, #2. That ALL OF MY Beloved Ones AND Myself ARE ALWAYS HAVING GOD'S DIVINE PERFECT TOTAL Health, Wellness, AND Wholeness, IN EVERY SINGLE AREA OF OUR LIVES, RIGHT NOW AND FOREVERMORE, AND #3. That ALL OF MY Beloved Ones AND Myself ARE ALWAYS Prosperous!
  • I am asking for prayer that YeHoVaH heals me, experiencing pain in my shoulders... thank you 🙂
  • I had a stroke about 2 years ago. My left side limbs don't work right anymore. I know Yeshua can heal me, and will. Please pray that I will be healed quickly. Amen.
  • Please join us in the journey of truth concerning our household. my 11 and 12 year old foster children both females lied and accused us foster parents of abusing them. Their brother is suffering because he wanted so much for adoption, we have appealed. A home study is to be sceduled, waiting.Pray we are allowed to adopt all 3 and truth to be known.We can foster others in crisis. In Yeshua name! Amen!

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