Prayer Requests

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:19-20

Click and Pray for the United States... Matt 18:20

YeHoVaH, forgive our sins, heal our land. As we turn back to you, we ask that you reestablish the righteous foundations of our country, and raise up a leader who fears you.

Prayer Requests

  • I’ve been a stranger to my youngest daughter for nine years. I don’t have a clue what I did to offend her. Pray for restoration of that relationship. She once was a very devout Christian from her childhood until a few years ago. My sister told me she’s decided that there is no God. I am  in the dark as to what would have happened that she’s come to that conclusion. Thank you for your prayers.
  • 🏡🔑🤞😭🙏I'm desperately requesting prayers for God to permanently place his powerful almighty miracle blessings deliverance hands upon a brand new two or three bedroom apartment for my daughter and I to move into. I'm desperately seeking for God's powerful miracle hands to place my daughter and I into a brand new location a different neighborhood I'm desperately seeking for God to permanently place his powerful hands on the Right REALTORS AGENTS and LANDLORDS WHO ACCEPT CITYFEPS VOUCHERS
  • Please pray for my 3 year old nephew who fell from my shoulders during his birthday party and fractured his skull and eyebrow. Please pray for him as hard as you can.
  • Please pray YHWH grant me clarity what You want me to do. Please let no harm come to the animals and the people trying to help. I am sorry. Give me the strength and wisdom to your will. Thank you.
  • I am asking for prayer that Yah truly, strongly and clearly reveals to me whether the tongues I speak is of the Holy Spirit or not .....
  • Praying for wisdom to make the right decisions for work and life/praying for help for both sisters and their children and praying for my family/praying for help to advance the kingdom of heaven/praying that I may escape all the things coming upon this whole world and that I may be able to stand before the son of man
  • Please pray I get this house located at hwy 23 by Strom Thurmond High School Edgefield SC please pray I get it please pray Mr. Yonce to help me get this house please pray I get money for the house please pray I will be healed from all sicknesses please pray for Lynwood P stop drugs please pray I get finances and YHVH bless me with good things.
  • Since January 2023 my husband has been struggling with major health issues (heart, lymphoma and kidney disease). Make several trips a week over 70 miles one way to doctors, etc. Many hospitalizations. Praying to Yah for complete healing. We are blessed! Shalom. .
  • -Please join me in prayer, Father YeHoVaH, needs to intercept our letter and making sure it indeed reaches our Governor and changes are made freeing us to be able to minister to children in crisis. Have Governor speak and call so we can share the truth of our community.. PLEASE pray for my daughter as she goes away to college that her mind will remain with Christ/Yeshua. Please do not stop praying for our letter to Governor for true justice for my husband and our household of believers of Yeshua
  • Asking for God's powerful healing & strength to help my mom, sister and I through the difficult hardships please. Thank you so much
  • Grandma Dawn is trying to become 100% guardian over two very young grand girls. Currently X-grandpa has 100% and saying this delicately, he should never have had control over 2 young GIRLS... It is currently before the state, it could go 50/50 or she could get 100% She needs 100% to get them away from this situation. Grandma will teach them about our Heavenly Father. Currently they ALL reside with x-grandpa & girls being introduced to a "cult" religion as well as other unhealthy behaviors.
  • Ty, Ty the CEO approved purchase of Ian's business. Who knew it then had to go to the board??? So please, pray the board also approves the purchase so then Ian can move on to what the Father has planned for him 🙂

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