Prayer Requests

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:19-20

Click and Pray for the United States... Matt 18:20

YeHoVaH, forgive our sins, heal our land. As we turn back to you, we ask that you reestablish the righteous foundations of our country, and raise up a leader who fears you.

Prayer Requests

  • (2) Also, it was apparently overnight stays that was the issue they'd wanted her to lie about. But hopefully they'll put their foot down after this and do what the court ordered. These kids need a miracle. If they get to go to Sunday school with their grandpa this coming week, pray that good seed will be sown and that they will learn of God, Yeshua, and gain a foundation for them to stand on while there's a chance, and for their guidance and protection. Yah bless you!!!
  • (1) Update: Had a hard talk with my grandma and her husband and I got a text right before going to bed saying that they'd been talking and were going to try and work things out and that they'd even be in church on Sunday. HalleluYah!!! I also tried to talk to his son about the kids, but he wouldn't and then threatened legal action if I ever contacted him again. Prayers are still very needed, but they've certainly helped already.
  • Please pray in agreement with me for my two 17-year-old sons. Pray that they study well and pass their high school equivalency exam. Pray that they get jobs so they can save up $ for their own cars and car insurance. Pray they save up $ for a security deposit or down payment on a future home or apartment. Pray one of them studies well and passes the real estate exam. Pray for the others to get into the medical profession. Pray they glorify Yah with their lives. Thank you!
  • Please pray for truth, we are foster parents, our 12-year-old and 11-year-old created a lie, both are females and both girls and their younger brother were relocated. We are trying to adopt them, we had 1 adoption home visit, today 28 Dec. This is our second visit by the case manager. We are asking Yeshua for favor and the truth revealed of these girls lies. Yeshua to bless us today 💯. Thank you
  • For little Joel to be overwhelmed with the Father's love for him, and to be deeply healed in his heart ♥ and very hungry for God, and aware of His loving presence.
  • Asking again for prayers for my grandma & co. (she and her husband were given custody of his grandchildren due to issues with their parents). Since the last post, the children's mother has been thrown into jail for not paying child support, their dad has been kicked out of his girlfriend's place, and the grandad is also helping him get unsupervised visits with the kids and wanted my grandma to lie about it. The stress has caused her to want a divorce. Your prayers are very much needed and appreciated!
  • Prayer is needed for Hatun T., she is a well-known former Muslim and Christian Evangelist, she has been missing for a couple of weeks, pray for her safety, healing, and release, if she was kidnapped....pray that YeHoVaH exposes any wrongdoing against her & that Yah avenges her, she is a beautiful believer in Jesus Christ, Yeshua, our Messiah
  • I just received a call from a dear friend, Monica, who is only in her 50s. She's in a hospital in Springfield MO with RSV & said she feels like she is dying. She could barely speak. Over 17 years ago she recovered from alcoholism through faith in Yeshua & the devil does not want that testimony to be heard. Please agree that The Almighty will raise her with even stronger testimony.
  • Please pray for me. I am constantly tormented and attacked. Three months ago I was the happiest I have ever been. I had met a beautiful lady, intelligent, charming, and wealthy. Everything I could ask for and more. Well, I Complicated it. At the same time, my world was falling apart. Now I am further setback than I was. I am asking for a full restoration and bringing us together. I do love her and want to spend my life with her.
  • Dear Lord, please help me be able to do anything and everything. Please heal my brain from medicines quadruple. Please solve the problems of spirit being pulled out. Amen
  • For a friend. 19 yr old James. In ICU. Very ill from Virus. He has been incubated twice. Was also diagnosed with pneumonia. Not doing well. Has been hospitalized for nearly a month. Thank you for your prayers.
  • After 30 years in a Pentecostal Church. Teaching in Intercession and Deliverance .. The Lord has delivered me! My husband and I have just started a “House Church” We have gatherings on Friday nights with Worship Prayer and Teachings on the feasts Sabbath along with Intercession and Deliverance. We rest on the sabbath with family worship. Yahweh is opening the Eyes of His Children, Turning our hearts towards Israel in the natural & spiritual. Restoring true Worship in Spirit &Truth. Pray for us new beginnings

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