Prayer Requests

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:19-20

Prayer Requests

  • Dan K. Only short time to live . Prayers for healing.
  • Please pray for my mom Fani. She is in the hospital she is having a diverticulitis attack and has an infection. She has to be in the hospital for a few days and has two microscopic holes in her colon. Pray that God gives her a complete healing.
  • Please pray that my son JP would be set free from the bondage of Satan. He has an illness called borderline personality disorder. One common symptom is a deep sense of emptiness. As a result people with this diagnosis are constantly trying to figure out who they are and can go through drastic changes. He is now an adult with two children. He just decided that he is a woman and is dressing and acting like one. I pray that he could see the value and purpose of the man that God made him tobe
  • Please pray for my husband. Pray that Yah would give him wisdom to make the best decisions for our family, pray that he would be holy, and unselfish.
  • My son is addicted to drugs (meth) and it has caused him to have mental issues. He is mean, aggressive, tears up everything (including house drywall and electronics), paranoid, believes I (and others) are trying to hurt him. As far as I know, he has been clean this last month but his paranoia is very bad. He will stand there yelling (and there's no one there). It is heartbreaking.
  • Pray for Kim and grace that they may find a place to live that is reasonable as they are not in a very good place right now to live Kim is a single mom and works every day pray Yehova blesses this young lady real soon in Yeshua name thank you
  • Please join us in the journey of truth concerning our household. my 11 and 12 year old foster children both females lied and accused us foster parents of abusing them. Their brother is suffering because he wanted so much for adoption, we have appealed. Home study is today for ADOPTION.Pray we are allowed to adopt all 3 and truth to be known.We can foster others in crisis. In Yeshua name! Amen
  • I am asking for continous prayer that YeHoVaH mightily helps me to quickly and swiftly pay off all of my debts as quickly as possible, your prayers are needed...
  • Please pray for God to deliver the Beach area I'm on today from evil. For Him to bless it with every spiritual/physical blessing He desires. God bless!!!
  • Please pray that the surgery my friend, Melinda, is having is successful and that she be restored to full health. Thank you.
  • Please pray that the surgery my friend, Melinda, is having is successful and that she be restored to full health. Thank you.
  • Total breakthrough in all my prayer requests in Yeshua’s name

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