Prayer Requests

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:19-20

Click and Pray for the United States... Matt 18:20

YeHoVaH, forgive our sins, heal our land. As we turn back to you, we ask that you reestablish the righteous foundations of our country, and raise up a leader who fears you.

Prayer Requests

  • Kim Griffin of the Baltimore area had her uterus removed. Because of cancer, she goes in on Monday and they will tell her if that growth on her kidneys is cancer would you please pray for Kim Griffin and her complete healing
  • Please pray for truth, we are foster parents, our 12-year-old and 11-year-old created a lie, both are females and both girls and their younger brother were relocated. We are trying to adopt them, we had 1 adoption home visit, today 28 Dec. This is our second visit by the case manager. We are asking Yeshua for favor and the truth revealed of these girls lies. Yeshua to bless us today 💯. Thank you
  • Please pray for my wife as she has stage 4a endometrial cancer, that has mastertized to the lungs and other places. We are in our 2nd year of treatment, and we need a miracle.
  • My wife Celeste & I Don, physically and mentally exhausted.. she is 4 months pregnant and the doctor just told us that the chord in the placenta is split in two, and if the chord doesn't comeback together there be complications of feeding the baby and complications filtering out toxic things that enter the baby. Also the blood vessels has attached to close to the cervix and will cause a high risk of birthing complications for the baby. Need all to grow correctly and baby is healthy and gets food.
  • Emergency prayers are needed for those living in the Golan Heights and the northern part of Israel, Syria has recently joined in launching missile attacks, and many Israelis have been displaced in Northern Israel, due to war, shalom
  • Please pray to Yehovah to forgive and help me through this time of financial and family difficulties. That we find a way to solve my debt (financial stupidity), and keep my marriage.
  • Please pray that my mother finds comfort and peace with our Savior Yeshua as she grieves the loss of her husband and our step-father. William Mochnowed. He passed away January 8 6023 (December 25 2023) at 90 years old. As the day Yehovah breathed life into the nostrils of Ad'am he took the spirit of my father during his final breath. Our hearts are in sorrow and we ask for our heavenly father to comfort us during this time and to help strengthen us with the holy Spirit.
  • Please pray that this rehab farm can receive donations to cover the $1400 owed on heat for the guest quarters (so our assistant farm mgr can continue to be here to help), the money to get the only vehicle we have repaired, and safety for the livestock. Please pray that Torah-keeping, Godly veterans come to take over the farm and nonprofit. Thank you. Sandy
  • Please pray that God will sternly remind my mother to FORGIVE my late biological father and stop punishing me in his place.
  • John Dawson and his wife need prays for healing. John is in the hospital. He is there because of poor circulation in his legs. Dotty has the flu. we know what that means for the elderly. Both are close to 80 years old I think. They are wonderful people who love GOD.
  • David Wood gave an update saying he's spoken to sister Hatun Tash on the phone and verified that she's okay (Jay Smith has also been contacted and verified she's alright). HalleluYah! Praying we'll get to see her again soon and that she'll remain safe in the meantime.
  • (2) Also, it was apparently overnight stays that was the issue they'd wanted her to lie about. But hopefully they'll put their foot down after this and do what the court ordered. These kids need a miracle. If they get to go to Sunday school with their grandpa this coming week, pray that good seed will be sown and that they will learn of God, Yeshua, and gain a foundation for them to stand on while there's a chance, and for their guidance and protection. Yah bless you!!!

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