Prayer Requests

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:19-20

Click and Pray for the United States... Matt 18:20

YeHoVaH, forgive our sins, heal our land. As we turn back to you, we ask that you reestablish the righteous foundations of our country, and raise up a leader who fears you.

Prayer Requests

  • Please keep my grandmother Jean and sister Jaime in prayer. They are both dealing with numbing in their hand.
  • I need help getting away from a difficult situation
  • Beloved  pastor Thank you very much for your reply. Kindly pray for my son Joshua his preliminary exam is going on he is studying in 10th grade. Kindly remember him in your valuable prayers. Due to my mother being bedridden, I  am staying at my mother's place. My husband and son staying together, my husband is a stroke patient. Kindly pray for my daughter, she needs a job and education. May God bless your family and ministry abundantly Your sister in Christ Lucy
  • Please pray for me, in the last 4 weeks I had several financial losses happening all at once. First my stove, then a week later my fridge, and then a few days ago a pipe burst, flooding my entire basement. I know it is not normal as I had several dreams of a family witch and a demon targeting me to cause pain and suffering. I also just started a new position a week ago, so I am completely overwhelmed.
  • For A God Ordained spouse
  • My family and I are going through a very very difficult impossible financial situation, every month we need to borrow money because what we make is not enough to pay the bills and eat. We are selling the apartment and have found a perfect place to move, where we could live perfectly with the income that we now have, because the place where we live currently is one of the most expensive of the country. Plus, I am Ill. Please Yehovah, deliver us from this slavery and free us to better serve you.
  • Good morning, I am Daniel Chandra from FIJI. Please, prayer request for me especially in the area of prosperity. I am in lack of finances and prosperity for a very long time. Also for deliverance from satanic, evil /monitoring spirits. they are demonic, evil, monitoring spirits, spirits who torment me physically and emotionally. They started in year 2013, have originated from either witchcraft, ancestral spirits generational curses, or through utterances made by the use of Hindu idols, I am a born again
  • Please pray for me. I am suffering with anxiety and depression. Thank you.
  • My daughter Lola is turning 21 tomorrow. I am requesting prayer for her, her brother Emmett, and for me. I am requesting prayer for beauty, health, wealth, shalom shalom (perfect peace), protection, contentment, favor, blessings, honor, respect, intelligence, wisdom, discernment, knowledge, great relationships, sound mind, to never be lied to or cheated on or left out, never abused in any manner, no addictions in any way, no familiar spirits or witchcraft, no more betrayal in Yeshua’s name
  • for my son who is having headaches, he had brain surgeries in the past and we are very concerned.
  • Please pray for truth, we are foster parents, our 12-year-old and 11-year-old created a lie, both are females and both girls and their younger brother were relocated. We are trying to adopt them, we had the 2 required home study for adoptiont, . We are asking Yeshua for favor and the truth revealed of these girls lies. Yeshua to bless us today 💯. Thank you We also need prayers for financial restoration for we have been robbed.

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