Prayer Requests

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:19-20

Click and Pray for the United States... Matt 18:20

YeHoVaH, forgive our sins, heal our land. As we turn back to you, we ask that you reestablish the righteous foundations of our country, and raise up a leader who fears you.

Prayer Requests

  • For my manager Cynthia, who has seen her cancer return and is currently in ICU.
  • Dear Lord, please forgive me. Please fill me and heal my brain double and a hundredfold. I pray for forgiveness from the ones pulling my spirit out. Please restore and heal my brain quadruple hundredfold. Please deliver, protect, and save me from the ones pulling my spirit out. In Jesus' name. Amen
  • Ed and Sally
  • I am a single mother, and I can barely afford groceries for my children. I been applying for jobs for months. I need prayer for the favor of GOD and breakthrough for employment that pays well and has good healthcare benefits.
  • Please pray truth to come out. We are foster parents, and the 11 and 12 yearbold foster daughters have lied which caused these girls and their brother to be relocated, we have discovered that the 11 year old now 12 has been bakeracted but yet we have not been vindicated, March 6th we have a hearing with ARRC. PRAY at that hearing we are vindicated and these precious girls will indeed get the mental help they need to heal. Our reason pursuing this hearing to get children in crisis real help100%.
  • Me and my mother are fighting in court for our farm from my uncle who disinherited me from my third grandmothers estate for she gave me a third in her will with her lawyer who is the son of my mother's equine veterinarian, my uncle did domestic violence towards my mother and I when I was a child with verbal abuse, threats, physical abuse, and alcoholism.. my grandmother had to sit there in fear for she had no control of her son who appeared like her alcoholic father, Can you pray for us
  • Please join me in praising our Loving Father. At the brink of disaster we received two very generous donations which paid the heating bill for the guest quarters and repaired the furnace in the house and fuel oil. The relief of the stress is like honey. It's nice to be warm again. Thank you for your prayers. We serve an awesome God. Sandy
  • Dear Pastor, Would you agree for complete restoration of my eyesight and for the small hole in the back of my eye to supernaturally heal itself - NO SURGERY REQUIRED Jesus name...Amen Also, would agree with me in prayer for my loans to keep closing so that I can pay my bills and for me to learn how to originate /get leads for million dollar Jesus name....Amen. Also, would you agree with me in prayer for wisdom for R. Dingle Jr. and to stop tricking women......
  • Please pray that I can get a job.and a car.Pray to take off some of the financial burden off K and to heal his back pain, dental issues and past traumas.Pray he has a better relationship and obligation to his family.
  • Please pray that I can get a job. and a car. Pray to take some of the financial burden off K and to heal his back pain, dental issues, and past traumas. Pray he has a better relationship and obligation to his family.
  • My age is 75. My health is failing. Specifically, my liver is not doing its job. The VA Healthcare says they have no treatment for my problem. In the past, I suffered poisoning and exposure to harmful substances. I have been a Christian for many years. I am a Veteran and a PUFL American Legion member. I'm also a life member of the United States Parachute Association. My faith in Yeshua Messiah is strong and I have read the Bible more than once and in Spanish also. I am from Tennessee.
  • Prayer that colon cancer metastasis be stopped & completely eliminated from my body never to return along with over 120lbs of gluttonous weight. For God to forgive my sins of stubbornness in eating unhealthy foods which is a rebellion towards God's created temple. For the Lord Yeshua The Messiah forgive my negligence in relationships causing me to be single & childless over the age of 40. For God to extend my years & restore what the locusts have consumed. To bring joy back into my life.

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