Prayer Requests

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:19-20

Click and Pray for the United States... Matt 18:20

YeHoVaH, forgive our sins, heal our land. As we turn back to you, we ask that you reestablish the righteous foundations of our country, and raise up a leader who fears you.

Prayer Requests

  • From Tina Seiler in Windhoek, Namibia:
    Sending you blessings from a wonderful and blessed-with-rain-Namibia.  However, our reservoir situation is critical.  Could you please put Namibian farmers and the country as a whole on your prayer wall for various reasons?  First of all, rain for all places, especially those that are in need of rain, the critical water situation for all towns and villages around the country (heavy water restrictions everywhere) and thirdly, that Abba Father will keep our borders safe as our deceased President just put Namibia on the world map at Davos in 2023, and a number of foreign investors have been invited to tender for our raw materials.  We pray that Yah will keep investors out, that do the country harm and wish to enrich themselves…. And last but not least, we need a God-fearing new HOS to guide Namibia into the right direction (keep the door closed to abortion legislation and same-sex relationships and marriages). Practise Godly virtues.
    It’s a long prayer list – I beg your pardon, but we need protection from every side.  We are due for elections in November and the interim President will take office until March ’25.
  • Praise report! My grandmother said that she and her husband are doing better, and right now, the grandchildren are no longer in their custody and are back in school. The children and his family could certainly still benefit from prayers, especially that they all get to know YeHoVaH and Yeshua and will be saved, but I thank you all for the prayers, as my grandparent's relationship has improved and they seem to have gotten over this rough patch. Thank you all, be blessed, & glory to Yah! PRAISE YHVH!
  • Please pray truth to come out. We are foster parents, and the 11 and 12 yearbold foster daughters have lied which caused these girls and their brother to be relocated, we have discovered that the 11 year old now 12 has been bakeracted but yet we have not been vindicated, March 6th we have a hearing with AARC. PRAY at that hearing we are vindicated and these precious girls will indeed get the mental help they need to heal. Our reason to pursue this hearing to get children in crisis real help 100%
  • Son Robert needs a job he is having a second interview Tuesday morning at 10:00 .tomorrow. job requires driving a company vehicle About 9 years ago he was driving on suspended lisence,he did not know, 3 years ago , a ticket for passing a yellow lite. This will come up on a background check. Robert needs this army veteran a good man, he needs help and a dedicated life to Yahova and Yas
  • Dear Pastor, Would you agree for complete restoration of my eyesight and for the small hole in the back of my eye to supernaturally heal itself - NO SURGERY REQUIRED Jesus name...Amen The doctor recommended some steroid eye drops...please agree with me in prayer yes or Jesus name...Amen. Also, would agree with me in prayer for my loans to keep closing and for me to originate million dollar loans so that I can pay my bills.
  • We ask that prayers go to Esteban Mendoza Salas soul rests in peace. That before he passed away he repented and accepted our Messiah Yeshusa. Amein.
  • Need prayer warriors for my daughter Consuelo Garcia Mendoza & my son in law Richardo Mendoza and his mom. They are having to travel to Mexico due to they got terrible news that his older Brother was found dead. The causes is unknown and the funeral home was suppose to bring the body. But there are issues and they are making it hard for the body to pass. That is why they are having to go. Prayers so the body be release to them. Yehovah deal with the person who did that. Amein
  • Update on my neighbor John who I posted about back in January: Thank you all for your prayers! After being taken to the hospital after his fall, they found a brain tumor and had to remove it. Unfortunately, he's not able to care for himself and was put in a care facility, so he'll no longer be my neighbor and has some long term issues to deal with. But thankfully, they found the tumor and his surgery went well. HalleluYah! His sister would appreciate prayers that the tumor never come back.
  • please pray for my son as he is schedule for his 7th or 8th brain surgery. we have been dealing with this for the last 24 years, praying for a miracle.
  • Father God please keep bless me please protect me and please keep me in Your will please keep me obedient in all things and please I pray I work wherever You desire in Jesus name and blood amen
  • My son Juan Manuel Garcia is have 3 tooth extracted and is in jail. Let Yehovah touch Him and turn His heart back to him that he is in jail. That He will send someone to preach to him and come back to Yehovah. To let him stop from doing drugs when he comes out. He has 2 children twins Jacob & Cesar. That he will be used by Him. Amein!
  • I want to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to street boys and girls in our locality. please pray for me to be successful in this activity.

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