Prayer Requests

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:19-20

Click and Pray for the United States... Matt 18:20

YeHoVaH, forgive our sins, heal our land. As we turn back to you, we ask that you reestablish the righteous foundations of our country, and raise up a leader who fears you.

Prayer Requests

  • If you could take the time to pray for my Muslim brother Yousef Elsamany and that he is saved before it’s too late it would mean a lot to me. I know anything is possible through Jesus. Amen 🙏
  • I am asking for prayer that I multiple the talents Yah has blessed me, so that Yah calls me a good and faithful servant ....but I'm sure how to do this ....prayer needed, thanks 😊
  • Holy Spirit, Christ the Messiah, Lord God Adonia I pray you into this situation with unselfish prayer. Surprise them with the unseen aspects of your love. Ask El Shalom for the decision.
  • Pray alternator repair, pray4 mechanic fix root of problem fix asap need car to drive home after 12 delay parts broke Thurs night 12 am walked home 2 miles at 1 am 66 yrs old, 20 yr old car no busses run after get off at 12am desperate...
  • Prayer for my wisdom for the families in Springdale Missionary Baptist fire jun1 and their benefit events pn Shabbat by their sisters in the faith crossing from Cumberland Gap Baptist Association.
  • prayers for strengthen my walk and kosher diet to clear plaque in my heart disorder and medical examiners that can help me to heal, pls. May my walk and lifestyle be more acceptable in Yeshua.
  • On June 30, 2024, our board is having a meeting to discuss the future of this nonprofit and the incredible animals, plants, and supporters we have been blessed with. see Mt 18:18-20. Pray this request often prior to June 30. Thank you for your support of this farm. Pray for guidance to either continue on faith or close it down. Whatever HIS will is. Grant the board/supporters wisdom, peace, strength, courage, protection, encouragement, hope. In Yeshua's name, amen. Sandy thank you.
  • Please pray God Surprise the anonymous underground railroad with the unseen aspects of your Love
  • Please pray for my mom she was in the hospital early this morning with pain in her arm and her blood pressure got very high. She is home now. They got her blood pressure under control and they believe she has a bone spur in her rotor cuff. We are believing for a complete healing in her body.
  • God will move. That OJ will Worship and adore the one and only, true and living God, the father of the son and the Holy Spirit. The Most High God, the Lord of hosts, the Lord of spirits. OJ dedicate himself exclusively to OJ's loving Father and to Jesus, and OJ affirm OJ's dedication to follow Jesus as Lord of all. OJ repent for any and all sins or bad decisions from the past, known or unknown, deliberate or inadvertent, and OJ renounce every work of darkness, wherever it may have happened in the past. A.
  • Would appreciate some prayers for healing for my neighbor Ms. Scurry, who is going through cancer treatments right now. Also, for Angie to break free from alcohol addiction and her son to stop and repent from abusing her, and healing for Moses and for him to be able to go home from the rehab clinic soon. Lastly, guidance and protection for Nate, who just graduated and wants to enter the Navy. Thanks and Yah bless!
  • Praying for all the saints in this world praying for wisdom and help with choosing the right career path praying for my friends and family that they would seek the kingdom of heaven praying that I would be able to escape all the things coming on this world and be able to stand before the son of man praying for our country praying for Israel asking for wisdom and knowledge in every area of my life

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