Prayer Requests

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:19-20

Click and Pray for the United States... Matt 18:20

YeHoVaH, forgive our sins, heal our land. As we turn back to you, we ask that you reestablish the righteous foundations of our country, and raise up a leader who fears you.

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for Pastor Joseph Webb and his wife that they will operate in Gods anointing and direction and would be Healed from any sickness or plague. Thank-you!
  • Pray as my husband writes the governor, and yes, several representatives for truth, Father YeHoVaH will grant vindication, we were foster parents and the young pre- teen girls under our care lied, we have recently found out the younger one tried to do the same in the relocated foster home and was baker acted and separated from siblings, we have that truth be known, these children in crisis need help, my husband and i tried to demonstrate Yeshua love and our state is persecuting us. We are HIS.
  • Please pray for us to be perfect as the heavenly Father is perfect. Prayer for ISRAEL. BALPARA. WORK. Teaching. Instruction. Hot and on fire. Teach us kissing and embracing. LOVE. Doing everything how You ABBA loves. ABBA us most of all. MINISTRY. Bibles. YESHUA and ABBA loved. DPM. JB. JGS. YBS. All other things. Bible colleges, churches. To minister to us about our size and looks, purity. Most High GOD us. Baptize. Prepare all for us. LORD GOD. All sexual issues. The poor. Work for husbands an
  • All the attacks from Satan/sin are stopped permanently on myself and my loved ones. Thank you , I love you all and God bless you all 💖
  • Please pray for Kanesha, Sherrie, Shirley, Clifton and Stan. David, Daniel, Donovan, Dexter and Douglass also need prayer. Ansol and Lance also need prayer along with Marc, Brian and Sean. Hamp(Sir) needs prayer as well. Their friends, family members, neighbors, associates, affiliates, colleagues, cohorts, co-workers and leadership also need prayer. Thank you very much.
  • Please help me pray for my daughter, Brae who is in a relationship with this guy named Caleb, to open her eyes, & be separated from him quickly, and immediately, because he is manipulating, has a bit of a temper, & he is toxic. She is not working, & he is asking her for money & he works. This is not healthy. They are not engaged or married; he is just a boyfriend. Please remove him from my daughter’s heart and life before this goes any further. This is very hurtful as a mother watching this.
  • Prayers needed for Paul's healing and salvation, he's a veteran...
  • my boyfriend, Elijah is in a church and believe system that believes and sees things in the bible & twist/misinterprets them. he doesn't believe me & doesn't see the truth. he needs truth to be show to him by Jesus, real salvation, & to hear Gods voice. he needs the Lord to work on his heart! he needs free from the devils lies!! a miracle
  • Michael Bidwill. Too, Receaive Salvation and Water Baptize in Jesus Name.
  • 🙏😭 😭This prayer requests is for my HUSBAND JARRIN My husband is going through difficulty with his STOMACH 🙏😭 and it's getting worse by the Minute my husband JARRIN have a awful feeling inside his stomach Where it feels discomfort and I'm asking for healing for my husband stomach for good HEALTH for god to rebuke and remove all of these awful symptoms that my husband is feeling and for God to permanently rebuked and removed it completely so that my husband can Finally go back to his healthy
  • 🙏😭😭😭🏢🔑🤞I'm desperately seeking for God's powerful almighty miracle blessings deliverance hands upon a TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT for my daughter and I to moved into IMMEDIATELY I'm desperately seeking for the realtors agents and landlords to except my cityfheps voucher program I'm desperately seeking for a POWERFUL MIRACLE BREAKTHROUGH for God to place the keys 🙏😭🏢🔑for god to permanently blessed me with the good news I have been patiently waiting for ( MAY GOING INTO JUNE 2024 MOVING DATE
  • Thank you, Father, for leading the sex offenders, convicts, homeless, introverts, neurodivergents and Autists, codependents, addicts, and attachment-challenged others (and all outcasts) to know God’s love and true place in their lives, and to feel the love that leads to redemption in Christ, Amen.

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