Prayer Requests

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:19-20

Click and Pray for the United States... Matt 18:20

YeHoVaH, forgive our sins, heal our land. As we turn back to you, we ask that you reestablish the righteous foundations of our country, and raise up a leader who fears you.

Prayer Requests

  • Praying for my sisters to reconcile their relationship and praying for my sisters children, praying for the right job and asking for wisdom in making the right decisions for work,praying for a prudent wife/relationship/praying for all of my family members and also praying for discernment on taking medicine or not. Praying for wisdom and healing in my life as well.
  • Prayers to prevent my sister Valerie from spreading vicious lies and gossip about various family members and causing division and chaos in the family. She said she is not only going to spread the sins and mistakes of family members but also expose them to the children and grandchildren. Moreover, she said she is making an lawsuit against family members for not doing enough to save our 95 year old father who died yesterday. She has always shown hatred towards me and other family members.
  • Prayers to prevent my sister Valerie from spreading vicious lies and gossip about various family members and causing division and chaos in the family. She said she is not only going to spread the sins and mistakes of family members but also expose them to the children and grandchildren. Moreover, she said she is making an lawsuit against family members for not doing enough to save our 95 year old father who died yesterday. She has always shown hatred towards me and other family members.
  • Please join me in prayer, Father YeHoVaH, needs to intercept our letter and making sure it indeed reaches our Governor and changes are made freeing us to be able to minister to children in crisis. Have Governor speak and call so we can share the truth of our community.. PLEASE pray for my daughter as she goes away to college that her mind will remain with Christ/Yeshua. Please do not stop praying for our letter to Governor for true justice for my husband and our household of believers of YeHoVaH
  • Please pray for my son Joshua and his family. He needs YEHOVAH to set him free from anger, mental and violent behavior. For I know whom the Lord sets free is free indeed. Please pray for My Granddaughters who are affected by their Dad’s behavior. Please pray for my daughter in law Elisha who also is effected by this and the behavior of her mother who is disabled & can be very vile who lives with them &refuses any help they try to get for her. This is causing a lot of pressure within the family.
  • Please pray for my son Joshua and his family. He needs YEHOVAH to set him free from anger, mental and violent behavior. For I know whom the Lord sets free is free indeed. Please pray for My Granddaughters who are affected by their Dad’s behavior. Please pray for my daughter in law Elisha who also is effected by this and the behavior of her mother who is disabled & can be very vile who lives with them &refuses any help they try to get for her. This is causing a lot of pressure within the family.
  • I need help. Live alone. need prayer. had a stroke May 1. alone and have animals and farm. YHWH blessing me. Need some one to takr of sheep.
  • Dawn is trying to establish guardianship over her two little grand girls. She is living amongst the "den of theives" so to speak. Pray she gets guardianship and is able to move away to raise these two precious souls in the Love of Yahovah. Currently mormanism is present and trying to sway the girls.
  • Please pray for my son Joshua and his family. He needs YEHOVAH to set him free from anger, mental and violent behavior. For I know whom the Lord sets free is free indeed. Please pray for My Granddaughters who are affected by their Dad’s behavior. Please pray for my daughter in law Elisha who also is effected by this and the behavior of her mother who is disabled & can be very vile who lives with them &refuses any help they try to get for her. This is causing a lot of pressure within the family.
  • I need help. Live alone. need prayer. had a stroke May 1. alone and have animals and farm. YHWH blessing me. Need some one to takr of sheep.
  • I need help. Live alone. need prayer. had a stroke May 1. alone and have animals and farm. YHWH blessing me. Need some one to takr of sheep.
  • Dawn is trying to establish guardianship over her two little grand girls. She is living amongst the "den of theives" so to speak. Pray she gets guardianship and is able to move away to raise these two precious souls in the Love of Yahovah. Currently mormanism is present and trying to sway the girls.

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