Delve Into Weekly Torah Portions
Deepen your understanding of the Scriptures! Uncover the historical and spiritual significance of the stories, and connect these narratives to faith, perseverance, and the plan of YeHoVaH.

Parashah Vayshlach – The meaning of Israel
The name Israel appears for the first time in this section of the Torah. Jacob is named after the mysterious being with whom he wrestled

Parashah Vayetze – He went out
This parashah narrates significant events, including marriages, births and family tensions, all of which play a crucial role in the development of the history of

Parashah Tol’dot – Generations
The animosity that we are witnessing between the people of Israel and their Arab neighbors dates back to the time of the patriarchs. When Rebecca

Parashah Chaiei Sarah – The life of Sarah
Genesis 23:1 – 25:18 The name of this section of Scripture is translated as “The Life of Sarah”. Sarah is known as the first of

Parashah Vayera
Abraham stands as a monumental figure in the history of faith, not only revered as the father of nations but also celebrated for his unwavering

Parashah Lech Lecha
The story of Abram begins when he lived in the land of the Chaldeans. From there he was called by Yehovah to go out after

Parashah Noach (Noah)
The story of Noah is one of the most mythical in the entire Torah. Noah was the tenth since Adam and the world had already

Parashah B’reshit
The beginning of the Torah (the Pentateuch) is probably the most mysterious text of all the Scriptures. In an extremely succinct manner it communicates to