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Your Storm Will Pass

I love to be outside in YeHoVaH’s beautiful creation. Not too long ago, I spent some time in the woods.

I was a good distance from the truck, but I didn’t realize it until the sky started to darken and I heard thunder. A storm was coming. But it was too late. I knew there was no way I’d make it back to my vehicle.

I hunkered down in a place I felt was the safest and waited for the storm to pass. I prayed, “YeHoVaH, please watch over me and protect me.” The lightning cracked and the wind blew.

I thought a couple of times that it may be a tornado.

After a while the storm began to pass, each crack of thunder quieter than the last one. The rain had stopped, but water still dripped heavily from off of the leaves. I was soaking wet and started to feel a little cold. The sound of dripping slowed and the sound of the birds soon took front stage.

It was amazing how fast the storm came and went, even though it seemed to last forever when I was stuck in it.

When I got back to my truck, Luke 6:48-50 came to mind. Remember when Yeshua was walking on the water and was about to pass by the disciples in the boat? They thought they had seen a ghost. He told them, “Take courage! It is I. Do not be afraid.”

And when He climbed in the boat, the storm subsided.

As I thought about that scripture, it dawned on me that He was about to pass them by. In other words, if they had not called out to Him, I believe He would have kept going. Also, He was far enough away from the boat that they did not recognize Him.

What a great example of storms in the believer’s life. In the midst of the storm (trials and tribulations), we cry out to YeHoVaH. When it takes a while for the storm to pass, the complaint some believers have is, “YeHoVaH is not hearing me.” I’ve been there myself. But let’s remember the scripture. When they called out, He answered with words of encouragement.

In other words, He said, “You’re going to be okay.” Hang in there.

Keep your eyes on Him during life’s storms, and know that whatever storms we have in our lives will pass. So the next time you cry out, know that He hears you. Keep your eyes on Him and, at His appointed time, He will enter your boat and calm your storm.

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