Shabbat Night Live

It’s the end of the sixth day, the sun has set, and this is Shabbat Night Live! Every Friday night, Michael Rood and friends bring you 60 minutes of late night-style talk show and teaching featuring special guests from around the world! Get your shabbat started with intriguing topics you won’t hear anywhere else and touchy subjects no one else dares to discuss!

Streaming This Friday!

March 21 | 8:00pm ET
March 28 | 8:00pm ET

Asylum Assassins

Spiritual Consequences of An Open-Border Policy
with Kamal Saleem

Episode 5 of 5: Immigration and Ukraine

We know the story of Isaac, but how much do we know about Ishmael? What was the promise to his people, and how has that lead to the Arab nations we see today? Kamal Saleem presents a story of redemption and the blessings awaiting the family of Ishmael!


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Streaming this Friday on Shabbat Night Live

Kamal Saleem was born to a Muslim family in Lebanon, ostracized and radicalized at a young age, and eventually trained as a political jihadist to change the culture of America from within.

Thanks to divine intervention as a young man, his eyes were opened to Yeshua’s salvation. Today, he is a hunted man, revealing radical Islam’s agenda on his new mission to turn Muslims’ hearts to the same faith that saved him.

In Asylum Assassins, Kamal Saleem reveals the dangerous aftermath of America’s open border policy, who is really in our country, why the situation is a spiritual threat, and what we can do about it.

Now Streaming 24/7 on



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