How and What To Juice

Whether you’re sick or well, your body replaces cells at the rate of 300 million every minute. The quality of the replacement cells depends on the quality of food you are providing to your body.

There are 3 ways this can go; you can get sicker by eating more and more poorly; you can stay the way you are by not changing your food habits; or you can get better by changing what you eat to living foods that help the body create healthier cells than the ones it is replacing.

Obviously, you want to provide better cells than the ones your body is replacing — this is how you reverse disease; and juicing is the best source of high quality nutrition your body can get to create superior cells to do it.

Now if you’re juicing a quart of vegetable juice or more every day, it can get expensive, especially if you’re trying to do everything organically. But here’s my little money-saving secret…

Most chemicals used on conventional produce are hydrophobic. That means they stick to the pulp of the fruits and vegetables, not the juice.

So don’t be afraid to juice conventional produce instead of organic; you’re getting a lot less exposure to these chemicals that you might think. However, it’s still a good idea to wash everything first.

So what about juicing fruit? Well, juicing fruit is not really a good idea. Part of the function of fiber in a whole piece of fruit is to regulate the release of the fruit’s sugar in the bloodstream. When you juice a piece of fruit, you separate the fiber from the juice, which concentrates all of the sugar from that whole piece of fruit into a small amount of juice.

Without the fiber to regulate the sugar in a piece of fruit, the sugar in fruit juice is released into your body too quickly, and that’s not conducive to healing.

Vegetables, on the other hand, are the best thing to juice to get maximum nutrients into your body with the least amount of digestive effort; and that promotes healing.

So remember this rule of thumb: eat your fruits, juice your veggies.

I’LL HAVE MORE TO SHARE NEXT TIME… but in the meantime, you can read about this and a lot more my latest book, “Escape Root: The Secret Passage to Lifelong Wellness” available at

REPORT ON CHINA: Your Donations At Work

In China, I presented “The Gospel of the Kingdom”, a presentation that took 13 hours each of 3 times that I gave it (including line-by-line translation courtesy of Paul Hsieh of Kingdom for Jesus). It was so electrifying to the audience there because they had never heard the TRUE Gospel. Not to mention, it’s not taught in American Christianity, either! In churches today, we’re told “sweet baby Jesus” stories, but nobody is teaching what Yeshua taught!

I realized as I was teaching this in China, that America needs “The Gospel of the Kingdom” presentation, too!

As you know, I‘ve been going to churches in my local area, recently. I’ve been going to Sunday School classes, men’s Bible studies and all. What I’ve discovered is that the true understanding of Yeshua’s ministry and what the Gospel of the Kingdom is all about is simply gone! People here in America don’t even know what the “gospel” really is when they speak of it. So, I am on a mission to take what I presented in China and present it here in America. Then, once it’s completed in English, we can do it in Spanish, and any other language. I’m determined to do it because it’s WORTH IT! And something that’s worth it means it’s not free.

It takes funds to do these types of things. It took funds to develop this and present it in China — and YOU made that happen! You helped to change hundreds of lives.

In fact, there were literally hundreds of people lined up at a book signing we had for the new, Chinese version of “The Mystery of Iniquity”, a book I wrote many years ago in English. I signed more books in that one session than I ever did for the English version! There’s a real revival at stake, and it’s our job to facilitate it… because WE in America have the means to do it. In America, we have such abundance, but it’s not for us to keep. It’s intended to be used for the Kingdom

We in America are to be the financiers of these missions. That’s why we have the abundance in this country. As you step out in obedience with your finances, YeHoVaH will keep on multiplying it so that you can do even more. That’s the way the biblical economy works.

I want to thank you for standing with us to help us get this message out. Your reward is building in an account for eternity — keep building it! Stand with us… THANK YOU!

Biblical Keys To A Happy Marriage

Many of the problems we face in our marriages are ultimately rooted in an unrealistic expectation of what marriage is supposed to look like.

Movies and TV shows have given us a distorted perspective that marriage will provide ultimate fulfillment. And so we demand things from our marriage that it was never designed to give. God doesn’t promise that we’ll never face difficulties in marriage. However, with a right perspective on marriage and using the tools He gives us in His Word, we can know how to handle conflict. Here are three biblical keys that can help you stay on track to a happy marriage:

Number one… Respect.

Respecting your spouse means that you value them and hold them in high esteem. Value their feelings and opinions just as you value your own. Don’t disregard what your spouse shares with you. Don’t get frustrated or angry if you don’t like what they say. Just be patient and listen.  Remember, your marriage is a picture of the Messiah’s relationship with the Church. Respecting your spouse is ultimately connected to respecting God.

Key number two… Support

Being happy in marriage requires you to take the focus off of yourself. When you are selfless and focused on fulfilling your spouse’s needs instead of striving to get what you want, you’ll often find that your spouse is more than willing to reciprocate.
“Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.” – Proverbs 11:25
Support takes many forms. The simplest and often most needed form of support is encouragement and verbal affirmation. This goes back to Respect. If you value your spouse, you’ll value their hopes, dreams, trust, and sense of security. You’ll put their needs before your own.

Key number three… Listen

Most of the problems we face in marriage happen because we don’t know how to communicate effectively. Instead of listening to our spouse and validating their feelings, we get busy formulating counter arguments and building our case against them. We listen to reply rather than listening to learn. But this response puts them on the defensive and makes it more difficult to resolve the problems.
“A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.” – Proverbs 18:2
Spouses can get so distracted with “winning” the argument that they lose sight of the goal, which is to resolve the conflict! Marriage cannot flourish in a self-centered environment. It can’t flourish without mutual respect and support. It all boils down to this: Love your spouse more than yourself. Respect them, support them, and listen to them. And then watch as new life is breathed into your marriage!